What People Are Saying

To say that my partner and I are grateful to have had Katharine as part of our birth team would be a huge understatement. She really got to know us as people—our goals, motivations, anxieties—and could anticipate the kind of support we needed (even if we didn't know what that was). Katharine helped us to prepare for and navigate the truly momentous experience of giving birth and the transition to parenthood. Even when the birth plan changed during labor, she supported us through these changes and helped us have the experience we had hoped for. With Katharine's expertise in and passion for lactation, we overcame a rocky start with breastfeeding and now our little bean is successfully latching, transferring milk, and gaining weight on track. Katharine has been indispensable to our journey and we cannot recommend her enough!

-Alyce & Omar

We worked with Katharine as our doula for our first birth, and I don't think words can describe just how invaluable and supportive she was. I hoped to experience an unmedicated birth and without Katharine's support I don't think that I could have done it, especially considering that labour went for 15 hours, all through the night. Despite surely being exhausted, Katharine was fully dedicated the entire time, from beginning to end, always full of ideas for shifting positions and easing my discomfort, supporting my partner throughout, and acting as an essential protector of our space. A hospital setting isn't always ideal, and we were unlucky to be under the care of a nurse who didn't entirely understand or support our desire for less intervention, and Katharine was able to calmly and diplomatically engage with her in multiple instances that meant neither myself or my partner had to experience that kind of stress in an already highly emotional time. From the very beginning, with every prenatal appointment, Katharine was thorough, kind, warm, and genuine. She's extremely knowledgable and all of her resources have been so helpful for us. It was such a relief to see her again postpartum as well, and I know she's helped set us up to be the most successful new parents that we can be. I loved welcoming her into our new little family.

-Lou & Wes

“Katharine was such an incredible support to us! Our birth plans changed from home to hospital when our baby decided to come early and Katharine didn't miss a beat to adapt. My husband and I both found her lactation support invaluable and she made sure to continue supporting us once we were home. Because of the early arrival, we didn't end up having all our of prenatal appointments and Katharine offered to add in an extra postpartum visit where she snuggled our baby to let us catch some extra zzz's. It was the MOST precious gift of sleep, I could have cried with gratitude!!! She helped us navigate baby wearing and provided tons of resources for nursing support/supplies. She's super knowledgable and has such a lovely energy and personality. We will recommend her to anyone looking for a doula!”

-Courtney & Lucas

“Katharine was such a boon to our family before, during, and after the labor & delivery process. She was incredibly knowledgeable about all the facets of what we were experiencing, and that knowledge was so very appreciated during delivery. Afterward, Katharine gave us a debriefing session that was really helpful for processing the delivery and she told us about a new type of latch for breastfeeding that absolutely slayed--total game changer for our baby. Highly recommended Katharine for your doula needs.”

-Monica D. & Milt

“Katharine was a calm wise presence during my labor. She made sure the hospital setting felt warm and inviting. She advocated for me in all the ways I needed. She is just so dedicated to this work and it's felt by everyone around her!”

- Lela T. & Connor

Katharine made an experience that could have been full of anxiety for me feel manageable and enjoyable. I went into my labor experience feeling educated, supported, and ready to go! The one-on-one classes helped bring my partner and I closer together and helped him to feel more engaged and ready to support me and welcome our baby. Katharine is kind, prepared, organized, empathetic, and fun! I would recommend her services to anyone looking for a tailored education and supportive birth experience.

-Valerie & J.P.

I fully recommend Katharine — she was a force of calm during a difficult labor. She’s incredibly knowledgeable, caring, nonjudgmental, warm, and kind — all the qualities I was looking for in a doula. I highly recommend her.

-Sam S. & Nate

“Birth can be stressful and hectic but Katharine was a calming force through it all. Leading up to it, she helped provide me with guidance and research based knowledge and text to help me, a notorious overthinker and planner, feel as prepared as I could be but also aware that birth is unpredictable. I went to the hospital feeling calmer than expected and while things didn’t quite go to plan, she was able to walk me through my options and comfort me through the process. Katharine made a situation that could have been traumatic, the complete opposite and I left the hospital with a healthy baby boy and an at ease mind of how my labor went. We will definitely be using Katharine again if/when we have another kid.”

-Ashley B. & Gavin

As first-time parents and also foreigners, Katharine has been an extraordinary support throughout this journey. The truth is that having her by our side from before our daughter was born, during childbirth and afterwards has given us a lot of confidence at all times. She has always been available to us with very useful resources and information ( also she always reply extremely fast ), and her presence has always been impeccable and extraordinary.

Furthermore, the energy she transmits is one of love, calm and positivity so we have always felt that we were in super good hands and we couldn't be better accompanied to be in this very special moment of our lives. She was very caring not only with me (the mother) but with my husband and with my daughter Léa once she was born. I will explain to Léa once she grows up who was at my side in the most beautiful and wild moment.

We are immensely grateful for everything she has done for us and we will always, ALWAYS remember her.

Thank you Katharine. We already miss you!

-Anna & Albert

Katharine supported us leading up to and during our birth to help us feel prepared while also being present with the process as it unfolded. She is both a gentle and strong presence, and we felt like she was the perfect fit for us from our first meeting to our last. I cannot imagine what labor and delivery would have been like without her! She tactfully helped guide us and the hospital staff toward our preferred outcomes where possible, and there were crucial moments where she helped us get clarity and space before making decisions. I didn’t realize how much I needed an advocate in the room before hand. I originally hoped a doula would help me manage pain which Katharine definitely did. She also took the mental and emotional load of communicating productively off my shoulders, so I could focus on myself and baby. She was extremely well informed in the medical aspects and hospital practices and helped us decipher what the nurses and doctor might be thinking and what our options were. A lot of my fear leading up to the birth was alleviated through our conversations, resources she provided, and knowing she would be there with us. Despite the long and hard labor I ended up having, I’m so glad we had Katharine there. She was physically and emotionally supportive, both serious and fun as the moment required, and helped us through that transition to becoming parents in every way.

-Rebecca & Chris

We heard from a couple of friends that they’d recommended having a doula, but we looked into it and found you and felt like maybe we were being a bit “better safe than sorry”ish , until we met you in person. As soon as you left our first session, we knew how valuable you’d be. As the birthing partner, Jeremy said immediately after that first session that he was so grateful to have the support, I felt relieved that he also felt your services were incredibly valuable. By the end, we both felt we couldn’t have gone through labor and birth without you. You were our cheerleader and our hero! We learned so much in our sessions with you before birth, and then to have you come for the postpartum visit to go over nursing and baby wearing also felt invaluable, just knowing we had another visit with you was helpful in the days following birth, there was so much “well let’s just wait to ask Katharine “ chatter :) Thank you so much for all you do, your services exceeded our expectations and I’d swear by hiring a doula and you specifically to anyone moving forward.

-Kate & Jeremy

Katharine was the most amazing and supportive doula we ever could have asked for! Every time she came over before the birth of our son, my husband would tell me how happy he was that we had decided to add a doula to our birth team. He specifically loved all the education and resources she provided to us and really appreciated that she empowered him to be more involved in the birth process so that he could be an active partner. At 37 weeks, we ended up needing to pivot to a C-section because my son was breech and Katharine was so helpful with helping us prepare. She encouraged me to harvest my colostrum ahead of time and this ended up being a game changer when we needed to supplement my son’s feedings in the hospital. She was so helpful with breastfeeding anr provided so much support to me postpartum by helping me connect with an amazing lactation consultant when we detected my son might have a tongue tie. I cannot recommend Katharine enough. She was such an important part of our pregnancy and birth and we are so grateful to her for all her support!

-Celia & Jimmy

“Having Katharine be my birth doula was the best decision I made throughout my entire pregnancy. She really helped me through some tough times, and I am forever grateful that she was by my side.She is extremely knowledgeable and always had tons of resources to share with me to help make my own decisions for my birth. I had a c-section, but having a doula was still MUCH needed for support. My OBGYN tried to talk me out of needing one, but I am so happy that I went with my gut and kept her by my side. I had a very unique experience due to my anatomy and she was able to take so much worry away with her love, knowledge, and expertise. She had an answer for every question I had, and resources for me to follow up on to further her answers. If I ever have another baby, Katharine is the only person I would want to have as my doula. I've always thought of becoming a doula myself, and after having Katharine's support, I am even more sure that I want to becoming one so I could be there for other mamas the way she was for me. Thank you a million times from the bottom of my heart. Anyone who gets the opportunity to have Katharine a part of their pregnancy and birth story is beyond blessed.”

— Chelsea G.

As any soon-to-be parents know all too well, there is A LOT of information out there regarding all aspects of the birthing process. People will throw mountains of advice (solicited and unsolicited) your way. Whether it's a friend telling you about the products you must buy or the birthing practices you'd be wrong not to follow, or your parents telling you about "how it was when you were born" the sheer quantity is enough to make an already very overwhelming experience seem insurmountable. And that's before the baby even shows up! We had the books, the podcasts, we listened to friends and family give advice - my wife even read stuff on Reddit - but nothing made us feel safer, more heard, and better prepared than our sessions with Katharine. Her calm communication style and dare I say - excellent vibes - are no doubt attributable to her previous work as an educator. 
Not only was her knowledge base extremely sound and comprehensive, her comforting energy made the information easy to process and the more challenging topics easy to discuss. We left every session feeling more empowered and better prepared. And we haven't even mentioned the actual birth! We really can't imagine what it would have been like without her. Regardless of your birth plan, I do not doubt that Katharine will be for you what she was for us - an advocate, a source of knowledge, a comfort, and a friend. So, if you only take ONE piece of unsolicited advice from a parent on the internet may it be this one - Hire Katharine to be your doula. You will be eternally grateful to have her by your side as you welcome your child into the world.

-Stacey & Sam

Katharine was essential to what made my birth experience so positive. She has a warm demeanor that instantly put me at ease when I met her. She is extremely knowledgeable and encouraged me to ask questions. She sent me resources via email for everything I asked her, which helped answer all the questions I had and some I didn't know I had. She helped me feel very prepared and positive leading up to my labor, and her presence in the delivery room gave me confidence and strength. I really think she was the reason I immediately said "I want to do it again!" after the delivery of my son. I would 100% choose her as my doula again, and I would (and did) enthusiastically recommend her to any of my friends.

-Sara & Nick

Katharine was a dream to work with. Her guidance leading up to the birth was wonderful, and her support on the actual day was unmatched. My husband and I both feel we couldn't have done had our baby the way we wanted to without her. Katharine's calm, steady, positive energy was essential for us and her extensive knowledge about everything from birth to lactation advice was beyond helpful. We will absolutely work with her again for our next birth, should we be so lucky! 

-Maddie & Michael

“I can not overstate how grateful I was to have Katharine as my doula and can not imagine what my birth would have been without her. Katharine worked with me during a very personal and intimate experience, but made me feel comfortable from the very beginning. She was incredibly responsive when I thought I was going into early labor and continuously checked in, then was actively by my side for over 12 hours as I labored in the hospital. She was also a great resource for me and my husband before, during, and after my daughter’s birth. She provided me physical support when coping with contractions; she advocated for my needs to hospital staff in a firm and assertive manner, and she was a knowledgeable sounding board and second opinion when the nurses or doctors recommended particular interventions. Every birthing person deserves a Doula, and I can not recommend Katharine enough.”

-Angie F. & Alex

“We had such a wonderful experience with Katharine Whetzel.

She is such a baby whisperer, and so sweet and knowledgeable and willing to always jump in and help with anything that needs to be done with either the baby or around the house.

It really is true that it takes a village to raise a baby, and it was just the two of us trying to raise our little guy, which can definitely be challenging, and Katharine was such a Godsend.

She also offers some great package pricing and flexibility.

Highly recommended!!”

— Pia and Tyler P.

After interviewing several potential doula candidates, I ended up choosing Katharine as she was professional, reassuring, and was able to answer all my questions in the inital interview. It turned out that she was exactly what I needed through this labor & delivery journey. In the meetings leading up to the big day, she was able to address all concerns and provide a wealth of evidence-based suggestions and resources (which is very important, as my husband and I both work in healthcare). I was not necessarily looking for a non-medicated birth, and she supported me in my all my decisions and did not make me feel overwhelmed at any point.

When the "big day" finally came, I felt empowered with knowledge and was prepared to labor safely at home and deliver at the hospital. Katharine was very responsive and periodically checked in with me during that process. At the hospital, she helped me request resources that can help move the laboring process along that I otherwise wouldn't have known (as we know, most hospitals do not routinely offer resources unless asked), and most importantly, advocated effectively for me when we experienced a staff shift change near the actual delivery moment. She also helped me braid my hair in the delivery room during some downtime, so I felt humanized and more "put together" to tackle the process, which was a small but important gesture. Her presence was reassuring and a calming anchor during a chaotic time.

Thank you for making my labor & delivery experience memorable, empowering, and transformative!

-Tiffany & Alex